Scheduling simplified for landscaping businesses

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Create efficient schedules in no time

Filter and search your upcoming visits by due date, client, postcode and more. Easily add and move visits between days and teams and we automatically calculate travel time for you.

How it works

Build denser routes in a single tap

Once you have added all the visits you want to complete to the schedule, a single tap on the optimise route button will automatically find the shortest route and re-order the schedule for you. So you can easily reduce travel time and fuel costs.

Access job details anytime and anywhere

Store all the information about a job in one place, so your team can easily access it anytime and from anywhere. From client and site information, such as the exact entrance location on what.3.words, to task details, and red line drawings of the site.

How it works

Stay on top of your team’s daily progress

Get live updates on the status of each visit. Get notified when a visit has been completed by any of your team members, track how much time was spent on site and view before and after photos.

Keep clients happy with completion reports

Generate visit completion reports which include time your team spent on site, visit notes and before and after photos. Share them with your clients instantly via email and easily access them again later in site history.

Track your key business metrics

View job analytics so you can quickly see the number and value of completed visits as your day, week, month or year progresses. So you can stay on top of key business metrics.

An easy-to-use version for your employees

Create owner or member accounts for different users within your organisation. Member accounts provide your employees with a simplified version of the app which allows them to view their day's schedule and log work throughout the day.

How it works

Use on mobile and your computer

HubScape works across laptops, tablets and mobile devices. All your data and settings will seamlessly sync across devices, so you can move between your computer and mobile anytime.

How it works

What is HubScape?

Available on App Store and Google Play

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